JUnit 5 With Kotlin for Java Developers
Crash course for converting your JUnit 5 Java Tests into Kotlin

In this article, we will learn the differences between writing JUnit 5 tests in Kotlin and Java. We will also learn how to configure JUnit 5 in our build script using the Gradle Kotlin DSL.
This article is part of the JUnit 5 Tutorial.
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We write traditional Gradle build scripts as build.gradle
files using the Groovy DSL. Gradle’s Kotlin DSL provides an alternative syntax for several improvements, such as better content assist and refactoring. The build script written in Kotlin DSL is named build.gradle.kts
To write JUnit 5 tests in Kotlin, we first need the junit-jupiter
artifact as a dependency in build.gradle.kts
file and need to tell to use JUnit platform in the tests.
dependencies {
tasks.withType<Test> {
Basic Functionality
Most of the JUnit 5 functionality works in Kotlin just like it would in Java. Everything works out of the box.
One notable difference is how we can customize the display names of methods displayed in test reports or IDEs.
In Java, we could use the @DisplayName
annotation to make the method name readable. However, in Kotlin, we can use backtick identifiers for variables and methods.
fun `1 + 2 = 3`() {
assertEquals(3, calculator.add(1, 2))
Using backticks makes both the code and the test results more readable. Usually, we should not use such method names, but it is quite handy for this purpose.
Lazy Evaluation
JUnit 5 added lazy evaluation of error message using lambdas. Using lambdas avoids constructing expensive error messages unnecessarily.
In Kotlin, if the last parameter of a function accepts a function, it can be rewritten as a lambda expression outside the parentheses.
fun `1 + 2 = 3`() {
assertEquals(3, calculator.add(1, 2)) {
"1 + 2 should equal 3"
Compared to Java, this makes the syntax even cleaner when writing assertions in Kotlin.
Any JUnit 5 assertions in Java work in Kotlin as well. However, there are a couple of Kotlin specific assertion methods that are more suitable for the language. These assertion methods are top-level functions in the org.junit.jupiter.api
Here is an example of asserting that the code throws an exception. In Java, we would pass a lambda inside of the assertThrows()
call. In Kotlin, we can again make this more readable by adding a lambda after the assertion call.
fun `Divide by zero should throw ArithmeticException`() {
assertThrows<ArithmeticException> {
calculator.divide(1, 0)
The simpler lambda syntax applies to grouped assertions as well. Grouped assertions make it possible to perform multiple assertions at a time and report failures together.
Like in Java, we can write lambdas inside the assertAll()
call in Kotlin, but the syntax is less verbose.
fun `Square of a number should equal the number multiplied by itself`() {
{ assertEquals(1, calculator.square(1)) },
{ assertEquals(4, calculator.square(2)) },
{ assertEquals(9, calculator.square(3)) }
Compared to Java this is once again a little less verbose and more readable.
Parameterized Tests
There are several ways to write JUnit 5 parameterized tests. Most of these approaches work without any changes in Kotlin as well.
With that in mind, there is a difference when using the @MethodSource
annotation. The annotation expects a static method inside the class as the source of the parameters.
To achieve the same in Kotlin, we have to create a companion object and annotate the method with @JvmStatic
. The annotation will make the method exist as a Java static method.
companion object {
fun squares() = listOf(
Arguments.of(1, 1),
Arguments.of(2, 4),
Arguments.of(3, 9)
@ParameterizedTest(name = "Square of {0} should equal {1}")
fun `Square of a number`(input: Int, expected: Int) {
assertEquals(expected, calculator.square(input))
If we didn’t annotate the method with @JvmStatic
, we would get the following error.
org.junit.platform.commons.JUnitException: Could not find method [squares] in class [com.arhohuttunen.junit5.kotlin.CalculatorParameterizedTest]
Using parameterized tests like this is ok but not as convenient as in Java. Another thing to note is that there can be only one companion object per class, so all parameter-providing methods need to be together.
Additional reading:
Dynamic Tests
JUnit 5 introduces a new programming model that allows us to generate dynamic tests at runtime by a factory method annotated by the @TestFactory
Typically we would provide a list of DynamicTest
instances. Let’s use the calculator from previous examples.
fun `Square of a number`() = listOf(
DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Square of 1 should equal 1") {
assertEquals(1, calculator.square(1))
DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Square of 2 should equal 4") {
assertEquals(4, calculator.square(2))
DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Square of 3 should equal 9") {
assertEquals(9, calculator.square(3))
Each of the dynamic tests would appear as their own tests. However, this is not very clean and has some duplication.
Yet again, there is a way to make this more readable. We can use some functional mapping to remove the duplication.
fun `Square of a number`() = listOf(
1 to 1,
2 to 4,
3 to 9
).map { (input, expected) ->
DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Square of $input should equal $expected") {
assertEquals(expected, calculator.square(input))
The functional approach is pretty close to what we did with parameterized tests but with a slightly different syntax.
Nested tests
Nested tests in JUnit 5 allow us to define a hierarchical structure for the tests. Coming from Java, we might expect the following example to work.
class NestedTest {
class GetRequest {
fun `return existing entity`() {}
class PostRequest {
fun `create new entity`() {}
Such an example will give us a warning Only non-static nested classes can serve as @Nested test classes. JUnit 5 will not discover any tests for execution.
By default, a nested class in Kotlin is similar to a static class in Java. Only non-static nested classes (i.e. inner classes) can serve as @Nested
test classes.
The solution is to mark the class as an inner class
in Kotlin.
class NestedTest {
inner class GetRequest {
fun `return existing entity`() {}
inner class PostRequest {
fun `create new entity`() {}
Now JUnit 5 will discover the inner nested test classes and their tests.
Additional reading:
Static methods and fields
We already briefly touched on static methods and Kotlin. To make a Kotlin method visible as a Java static method, we have to create a companion object and annotate the method with @JvmStatic
companion object {
fun squares() = listOf(
Arguments.of(1, 1),
Arguments.of(2, 4),
Arguments.of(3, 9)
Another possible pitfall is when we have to use static fields. In Java, you make the field static
, so if you are new to Kotlin, you would expect something like this to work.
class RegisterStaticExtensionTest {
companion object {
val jettyExtension: JettyExtension = JettyExtension()
However, if we write code like this, we will see an error about the field being private:
org.junit.platform.commons.PreconditionViolationException: Failed to register extension via @RegisterExtension field [private static final com.arhohuttunen.junit5.kotlin.JettyExtension com.arhohuttunen.junit5.kotlin.RegisterStaticExtensionTest.jettyExtension]: field must not be private.
The solution is to annotate the field with @JvmField
class RegisterStaticExtensionTest {
companion object {
val jettyExtension: JettyExtension = JettyExtension()
Adding the annotation will expose the Kotlin property as a Java field, and JUnit 5 will now see the field.
Lifecycle Methods
The JUnit 5 lifecycle methods all work in Kotlin as well.
However, the methods annotated with @BeforeAll
and @AfterAll
need to be static by default. The reason is that JUnit 5 creates a new test instance per test method, and there is no other way to share state between all tests.
Luckily, it is possible to create a test instance per class instead in JUnit 5 by annotating the test class with @TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)
. The lifecycle change removes the requirement for static methods.
class LifecycleTest {
fun beforeAll() {
println("Before all")
fun afterAll() {
println("After all")
fun firstTest() {
println("First test")
fun secondTest() {
println("Second test")
Since this now shares instance state between tests, you might need to reset state in @BeforeEach
or @AfterEach
, if your test methods rely on state stored in instance variables. In general, try to avoid writing tests that depend on such state.
Additional reading:
Repeatable Annotations
Currently, Kotlin does not support repeatable annotations. Consequently, using multiple extensions or tags for a test is slightly more complicated than in Java.
For example, in Java we can repeat the @Tag
annotation to give multiple tags to a test.
class RepeatableAnnotationTest {}
In Kotlin, however, we cannot have multiple @Tag
annotations. Instead, we have to use a @Tags
annotation to wrap the repeated tags.
class RepeatableAnnotationTest
The same happens with multiple extensions, so we cannot use multiple @ExtendWith
annotations directly. Instead, we need to wrap the extensions with an @Extensions
class RepeatableAnnotationTest
Most of the JUnit 5 features work perfectly well in Kotlin, although there are some cases where the syntax is somewhat different than in Java. However, due to the way Kotlin language works, we can often make the code more readable.
The example code for this guide can be found on GitHub.